Saturday, August 23, 2014

TC: A Star Passes

I haven't felt like writing this blog the last few years. I've been too busy taking long morning naps that turn into long afternoon naps and licking my fur until it's super shiny. But I did feel the need to get on here to pay tribute to my mentor.

TC, the original TVMA cat, has passed away.

Now I know what you're thinking: Wasn't TC your nemesis? Well yes, there were a few years of that, but in recent years, and actually always, I've secretly admired TC. I mean, someone can only be your nemesis if they're your equal right?

She was the first cat I ever met who wrote her own blog and had a job, serving as the feline communications specialist (and Slim Pet Challenge spokesperson) at TVMA. She was even on the cover of the Texas Veterinarian and on an episode of "Must Love Cats" on Animal Planet!

I've competed with her in the past, but the truth is, I wanted to be her. She was truly one of the best of us.

Happy trails, TC. There aren't any canines where you are. You will always be my inspiration.


I've actually started a new blog in recent years. You can find it here.

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