Friday, January 21, 2011

Much Ado About Small Versions of Things

This morning, there was a commotion downstairs that woke me from my morning nap. As I stealthily crawled downstairs like a panther on the prowl, I noticed almost everyone in the office crowded around the executive director’s doorway. I milled around the feet of the crowd undetected until I got a better view.

“Oh how cute!” a lady said.
“They are so tiny.”
“They’re pigmies!”
I walked into the office filled with distracted people thinking, “Surely there couldn’t be something cuter than Luna.” Then I saw them. They were…goats.
Just two very small goats. Like the mini-me version of a goat. Not remotely cuter than Luna.

“Oh look at their tiny feet!” One of them said.
“They’re so soft!”
“I just want to take them home!”

Seriously? I wasn’t impressed. But when I tried to express my opinion with a loud guttural sound, one of the ladies became concerned and shooed me out of the room!

The nerve! You imply something might be almost as cute as me but won’t even listen to my side of the argument?

They wouldn’t even allow me to do my job of providing therapeutic cuddling today. Instead, anytime anyone took a break, they just went down and petted the goats!

The managing editor and the executive director even spent a whole hour outside taking pictures of the goats in front of the building sign! They’ve never taken me to do that. Surely it’s because giving fans the ability to locate me may start a riot but still...they even made a video.

I took my afternoon nap early.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

On Veterinary Legislative Day, Think of Luna

On Feb. 1, when you visit your legislators at the Texas Capitol to discuss veterinary issues, remember that I have a shocking lack of fine cuts with tuna sauce wet cat food.

I think this is something that both veterinarians and legislators will be very interested in since it directly affects animal health and welfare in general—specifically my health and welfare. My coat just isn’t as shiny without my fine cuts with tuna sauce. The Texas Veterinary Medical Association and Texas A&M's College of Veterinary Medicine have joined forces to create this day as part of
World Veterinary Year, so I think the veterinary profession should take it seriously. I’m just saying.

I’ve also moved to pass a resolution that states that 2011 is actually World Luna Year instead. So we’ll see how that goes.